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Are you an active buyer?

Tell us what you’re interested in buying, and we’ll have one of our offMLS brokers contact you to help.

Why is offMLS for brokers only?

Powerful online and mobile platforms for consumers to advertise and find properties for sale already exist. We saw an underserved gap between those platforms and the MLS, and we built offMLS to fill that gap. Pre-MLS and pocket listings are an age old phenomenon. Because they are so appropriate in certain situations, they will likely always be tools of the trade. We feel that the public is best served if these secrets amongst brokers can be shared within the largest possible broker network, touching as many of the member brokers’ clients as possible before either being sold or listed on the MLS.

How can I be involved as a buyer or seller?

As a buyer, you should be working with a broker who has access to all possible sources of properties that may fit your wants and needs. offMLS is a great tool for brokers who appreciate the value of technology in their daily work to be sure they don’t miss opportunities for their clients.

As a seller, your best chance of securing the highest value when selling your property involves working with a broker who embraces technology and considers all advertising channels before putting together your marketing strategy.

Have your broker join offMLS today, or if you’ve just started researching your options, tell us your story and we’ll choose the right member broker to connect you with.

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Tell us your story

"offMLS is an integral part of my real estate toolbox. As a listing agent, it gives me the ability to create a larger buzz about a new listing in a very easy-to-use fashion and to captivate interest before we hit the market. As a buyer’s agent, I get the insider track on the data before the rest of the market does."
Amanda McMillan
"You can twiddle your thumbs waiting for new listings to come on, or you can use the means you have to get your client out front. Thanks to offMLS, I was able to identify a property early on for a buyer who’d been trumped by higher bidders on two other properties. This time we got the deal done."
Anant Deoras
"offMLS has given me an advantage over other agents that rely solely on the MLS. Sellers love the added pre-market traffic and increased level of motivated buyers. Buyers love that I can find them something off market that might otherwise lead to a bidding war and/or ultimately losing out the property. It's all about adding value to a deal — offMLS does just that!"
John Federici
"offMLS is an easy tool for all brokers to use, whether they're top producers or just starting out. When inventory isn't great, it's wonderful to be able to open the app and find pocket listings that haven't even come on the market yet, and to contact brokers to see properties. It is by far the best app/website that I've been able to use in my career as a broker. 5 stars!"
Steve Davis
"Our group has had a great experience leveraging the offMLS platform for our buyers and sellers. It has been an additional and useful tool that keeps us on the pulse of Chicago real estate."
Julie Dorger and Sara McCarthy

Top-producing brokers use offMLS to get their clients the best deals, first.


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